necessary let's carry on ready for your next set of instructions or ready to be hypnotized okay again another
unnecessary thing but something I'll say quite often is nod your head when you understand now I've never had anyone not
their head at the refirming yet they're reaffirming it that they're saying yet I'm still with you yeah I understand that and then once you wide awake
because in a moment they can be feeling quite a bit of this yeah you know control by it by touch so it's just one
to wide awake no one's mentioned hypnosis no one's mentioned sleep no one said you're in yet but there will be
certain people I'm already thinking I've got yeah yeah so the induction then
becomes a bit of a bit of a flourish if anything okay but for now once you go away he come
back to the room ready to be hypnotized ready for your next instruction and that might be I stick out my hand
we're into the handshake option it could be could I borrow your arm and we were into the I to hand fixation
it could be stand up dropping into a chair induction it doesn't matter okay but I want to I want to on a raise that
I want to raise the tempo and I want to keep their place kind of its building
its building up building up building up
okay so you're gonna now break down the the set pieces individually into the ton
of specific points that you've gone over you we've demonstrated them so let's then start with magnetic fingers okay
the first thing is to use this same conversational posture okay say to
continue in the same way so if you haven't done it already can you place your feet on the floor
right can you put your hands on your lap right and then with the first few steps
to get them in the position you need them to do magnetic fingers is the same thing so can you put your hands out in
front of you can you clasp them together okay palms together thumbs on top again an
absolutely clear instruction there hands together is palms bit palms together thumbs on top cause you'll get people
who are like this right and my father does this with groups of 200 people these are people like that so again this
is a nice gauging does this person have the ability to listen and follow instructions okay okay so palms together
thumbs crossed on top bend your elbows like you're making a desperate prayer
again you don't have to say that but you can make one while you're there you know it's just a little ease and it's not
trying to be a comedian it's exactly what it's trying to do is set people at ease suddenly you're not taking yourself too seriously
you know bend your elbows like you're making a desperate prayer it makes it absolutely clear that that's where you
should have your hands yeah at this point some people go from here to here and they and they lose the palms so arms
together that's right put your first fingers up about an inch apart a couple of centimeters apart your first fingers
that's right again make clear your index fingers your first fingers because you'll find some people really have to
think which ones because they're looking at you and they some people think it's the little fingers okay
say your first fingers your index fingers about an inch apart right and again make sure it is about an inch okay
again there's a you want the fingers pointing straight up okay I then say
look at the gap between your fingers mm-hmm because in a moment they are going to
come together and touch right the reason I say exactly what's going to happen straight off is for some people this
will only take two seconds okay so
knowing that get there first yeah so you put your fingers up look at the gap between your fingers and if they're
doing this as you are looking back at me then I'll say don't look at me just look at your thing that's right because in a
moment they are going to come together and touch just like two magnets getting closer and closer they're already
starting to go you can feel that force they're getting closer and closer again I don't to set up a challenge I
just want so all I'm all I'm trying to say is magnets closer stronger doing brilliantly and give you encouragement
and again 99.9% of people were going to get there within 30 seconds longer than
30 seconds you're working very hard and you may want to look elsewhere people
are going to experience this and again another thing to kind of look for is if they're keeping their hands really tight
then you'll start to see this kind of the knuckles going slightly Wyatt yeah as as this kind of magnetic force starts
to take effect on their effect on their hands as well so it's can you can you can you can you get in this position
because in a moment your fingers will come together to touch just like magnets they're getting closer and closer
stronger and stronger the closer they get the stronger it becomes blah blah blah blah blah and then when they get to
like two millimeters apart three millimeters apart again I use this permissive language and I say and when
they touch you can just allow your eyes to close which you do because it's again it's permissive because you're then it's
just like a nice place and leave but this is happening this is happening this is happening always slip when this this
happens I can't allow that to happen if you feel more pushy you want to be more
authoritarian and you think they've bang on for it then you just say because when you and when your fingers touch your eyes will close
right yeah so there's a slight difference you can use either at this point I tend to say when your fingers
touch you can allow your eyes to close I will then just ask the person to take a nice slow deep breath in and then to
breathe out for a longer period of time and they relax yeah okay and I'll then say open your eyes
and again some people will immediately pull their hands apart if they don't the
hands still belong to me as far as I'm concerned right so I'll give them permission to take them apart or say you
can't pull your hands apart now this one's like another command isn't it another simple no moaning yeah and again
other people around and I will then just
give the person a compliment again you say excellent that shows me you can concentrate so I'm going to ask you to
concentrate in exactly the same way but this time I'll ask you to use your imagination a bit more and close your
eyes is that okay with you yeah okay so here I've I found a reason if you like
I've given a justification for why they're going to do this next thing is that segues nicely into the next thing exactly goes you straight into it
concentration and then concentrate in the same way and use your imagination the reason I say concentrate in the same
way is because some people are following me so directly at this point as soon as I say that they put their hands up and I
just say well just hold on I know you're keen or I know you're ready to be hypnotized again it's another suggestion
that this is going to happen yeah okay so I'll ask you to concentrate again but they use your imagination a
bit more I'll ask you to close your eyes is that okay with you yep fine so now I've got that permission yeah and it was
good I will then show them so but this one again you don't have to do this you could get straight into it my preference
is to show them what I want them to do and then to do it it takes them another 20 seconds yeah it doesn't matter so
I'll ask you to put your hands out in front of you about six inches apart when you do that it's really we're just a so
point you can't help but go to do this yeah and that's because I guilty yeah yeah I might say in a moment but if I
just say I'll ask you to I'm still saying it's gonna be in the future yeah but a lot of people just immediately
let's go I know you came again a little joke a little bit of putting them at
ease there yeah I'll say put your hands out in front of you I'll say imagine you have a magnet strapped to the palm of
each hand and I'll say close your eyes and imagine those magnets are being pulled together and now I'm genuinely doing this in my
own mind I'm imagining there are magnets on my hair I really am concentrating I'm gonna get the same sort of timing I made
twitch a finger every now and again I'm a flutter my eyelids to kind of give them an idea so that's why I put my head
forward slightly and I'm trying to kind of mirror the the physical position of someone who is going into a trance
device so but essentially I'll I'm gonna this gives me an opportunity to rehearse everything I might say to you so it'll
be just like magnets coming together the closer they get the stronger will become it's a bit of a weird feeling because you can't tell where they are with your
eyes closed but just like your fingers they'll move they'll touch when they touch just let your hands relax and we'll get into this from there is that
okay so the bit of the end we'll get into this from there leaves it open
again it might be that when their hands drop I say now just go deeper and deeper and deeper into that sleep a deeper and
deeper into hypnosis and they will it might be that we then do another
exercise or we then do the induction but either way I'm just trying to keep my options open yeah let me just say this
if you're someone who wants to do this with the eyes open or you kind of forget to ask the person to close their eyes
and they're doing this for the eyes open again you can get there but if it's taking a bit of time the same with
magnetic fingers because you know generally we do that with the eyes open if it's taken a bit of time and then
just say now close your eyes right and you cannot kind of intensify things it's just that it's another
excuse to close their eyes but it's sometimes if people are a little bit difficult or they're just sitting there for ages they just say keep keep
concentrating picture those magnets now close your eyes and pitch them in your mind see them pulling together turn that
magnetic dial on you know and and and and the same with magnetic hands they're moving but it's just taking too
long you know close your eyes now you feel that force developing between them yeah so nice and simple at the end my
hands touch bring them down to here right so this just run through the magnetic hands then just step by step so as you would do it so talk through okay
exactly instruction so you've just we've just done and I've said fingers touch your eye here and I take a deep breath
in breathe out excellent eyes open yeah X and that shows me a concentrate
I'm going to ask you to concentrate in exactly the same way but it's time to use your imagination a little bit more so I'll ask you to put your hands out in
front of you like this I would say close your eyes and imagine you've got a powerful magnet strapped to the palm of each one your hands will move together
automatically I don't want you to pretend that don't you to push them together they will move together automatically just like magnets and
they'll touch when they do just let them drop down and relax and we'll get into this from there is that okay with you yeah good hands out about shoulder
height look at the space between your hands this is a little point again this is just more physical control is getting
it's getting them used to the feather I'm allowed to touch them yeah so wherever they are or just sometimes I
just put them back in the same position here okay look at the gap between your hands I want their attention narrowed focused on that I don't I'm looking at
me and looking at their buddies look at the gap between your hands get a clearer picture of your hands stuck out there now close your eyes and with your eyes
closed imagine those powerful magnets pulling together pulling your hands together that's right closer and closer
they're going even faster closer and closer and closer turn up that magnetic
force in your mind every time I click my fingers it'll become stronger and stronger your hands twitching now your
fingers twitching that's right closer and closer you varrick's pretend this they're getting closer and closer they
will touch ya so a closer and close the stronger and stronger and when they
touch you can allow your arms to drift down the muscles to relax and you can drift down and relax that's right at me
it's a go now fingers touching palms touching and just relax all the way down take a slow deep
breath in and just breathe out for a longer period of time now once you wide
awake it's very kind of you just sort of feel like you're just completely sort of
relaxed and that is genuine are genuinely doing it every time you know we haven't so you know stooge this other out you know this is genuinely have an
eight-year-old you can do this as effectively as anybody else right so you know it's not that it's difficult but
use it please don't ignore it because it's simple you'll find this does entertain people and it does allow you
to go straight into the hypnosis if yeah I mean people that you know if there are people watching and you're doing this
with maybe one two people in a crowd to see like their mates with their eyes shut and this happening is tremendously odd for that
any cause a crowd yeah suddenly it's like hang on what's happening over there well I've noticed that with watching you work before and like a in a bar or even
like in a big shop and send you know you start doing something because there's this physical stuff going on people are really interesting they're immediately
looking yeah and by the time you get what's nice about using the set pieces by the time you get to say the induction
itself or you've just put them under you've got a massive crowd already now because they're and you just then do
this on the entire crowd yeah you know and just say do you want to see something else and they do and you can
you can essentially pitch the hypnosis aspect of being more the same yeah which is really you have any imagination and
concentrate on idea great we don't let's
talk about the heavy cart yeah heavy cart is kind of more of the same in the you're just locking their mind around a
single idea the idea this time is that their arm is going to drop down now we already know from the the old like heavy
arm - yeah that it's kind of easy to talk someone's arm down so you get to
the physical reasons why this works in a moment but yeah that there's some fatigue but you want to make this happen with suggestion right so you know you're
a magician it's it's if cards are part of your axe obviously you can do this with business cards as a way of
introducing yourself as well but it's very very straightforward it's more the same I normally say do you know what the
heaviest card in the pack is it's a bit of a stupid question absolutely Hey spades here I may put the
8 of spades on there some people most people say the ace of spades that's quite an iconic card people think
of immediately so you know Germany I'll have that to hand and I'll just say it
and I'll put that card on their hand an alternative to this is to show them that card and just to top change it out
straightaway or double lift show them that card and then to put another card on their hand right and then you could
get their hand to lift back up again we'll come to that let's just talk about the basic idea so first off in all of
these exercises and in the inductions I'm going to show you I want you to get used to and getting this physical
control of the person right no you won't have to feel comfortable generally you know I let people know if I'm going to touch
them but there are certain simple touches that you can get away with that will allow you to get inside that person's personal space essentially
and get them used to this kind of thing so I say can you just put your hand out about shoulder height okay and again I'm
gonna do the same thing I'm just gonna move your hand ever so slightly okay now I'm going to put that card right on top
there and I want you to look at that little spot there so again the longer I
talk the more tired your arms gonna get and I want you to stack the odds in my favor yeah so I just say that's why it's
just a tiny adjustment and I want you to keep looking at that point by asking you to look at a point you're concentrating
there is process involved that appears to have some sort of meaning and I want
your attention focus so it might be the corner of the card or it might be that spot but concentrate concentrate
concentrate and I will then say close your eyes now with your eyes closed imagine that card is a weight it is a
heavy weight pushing down on your head and it's gonna push your hand all the way down to your leg keep concentrating
on that idea and again I'm not going to go through this all again but open your eyes Chris put your on there and your
hand does start to feel like just because that's what happens you know if you think of biting into eleven vividly
enough you will salivate if you imagine there's a heavy weight on your hand it doesn't matter your your your body has to respond like there is
so you know it may not just go down like that but you're going to talk it down and this is an important point with
regard to magnetic fingers especially magnetic hands and this kind of heavy card rise piece and is that as the
hypnotist you just have to keep talking you just have to keep this thing going yeah yeah
so you're gonna hear a few particular phrases that I use a lot one of them is that's right that it's straight out of
the genius hypnotist Milton Erickson's handbook that's right it's a way of
pacing what you're doing so you don't know your hand is you don't know if you're doing well you don't know if you're concentrating enough as the
subject right so by saying that's right I'm giving you some encouragement and every time I see a movement or I see a
you know a hand twitch that's right fingers twitching that's right hand moving super
tonight when you're just really getting very very insane exactly what I can see that's right hand moving it's getting
closer and closer heavier and heavier that's right hair moving down so it's the same of the magnets you know what
I'm trying to do is find four or five ways of saying your hands are magnets they're getting closer you know just
like a child playing cycling those over if they get stronger they get low it gets the heavier it gets you know over
and over and over and over and over until until it happens you just got to show we think can't get it Li just keep
going with it yeah and just observe like you say observing what's happening so if their fingers are twitching mention that
if they're you know if they're Handy's sort of shaking mention if they're breathing shifts mention that that's right as you're breathing shifts you
know more and more and more and more you know heavier and heavier and habit closer and closer and closer and closer
and closer fantastic okay and if there's no movement at all say that's right it's
getting everything ready and you'll get the flow going you'll get a nice tone to know when your hands and your want is it
moving is it not moving if you're thinking is it moving is it not moving trust me it's moving yeah he's already
going in that direction yeah so yeah that's a little bit on that and again you'll see in performance that doing
this stuff with a group works really well and you know without getting heavily into NLP because you know a lot
of it is hot face fluff right cuz it complicates things but engaging the person senses saying see it you see that
white on your head you know picture those magnets in the tips your fingers and you feel it you know as you listen
to me pacing what I'm doing and linking that to where I want you to go let's just talk about that a second that that pacing and pacing and linking pacing and
lead yeah as you do yeah yes this happens this will again so what I'm what
I'm looking to do especially at this early stage is to make pacing statements
is to say things which I know you will verify as being true okay yeah and then
to shift to things that you cannot verify as being untrue okay so I start
by saying that's right your hands are moving closer and closer together closer and closer and as they get closer
as I continue to speak that magnetic force will get stronger and stronger okay so the last statement is not
necessarily something you can verify at that point no I don't tell you either
way but it's certainly nothing you can yeah you can deny it sure so again saying that's right saying as you
concentrate as I continue to talk well these things are going to continue to happen so as I say them yeah you're kind
of mine goes you're saying as I continue to sort you know that's happening you know that's it so the next thing if they've accepted it yeah as a given
absolutely yeah fantastic so that's the set pieces indeed all right and say we've done
you've done your opener you've done your setup and you've done the set pieces you've got someone that's
you know done this all brilliantly does it hands now it's time for the induction
itself indeed hypnotic induction hmm there are thousands and if you look on
the internet you'll find thousands they can be groups in different ways you can
talk about progressive inductions relaxation inductions rapid inductions instant induction yeah
kind of one it goes in an entertainment setting generally I only use what I'd
call rapid inductions and by rapid I simply mean the process the steps we're
gonna go through I'm not going to take longer than a minute and most of the time they will take seconds so man right
maybe two seconds where it maybe 20 seconds Wow but this is this is gonna be over pretty quickly and from there we're
gonna start to deepen it and test our work and get into the routine okay okay so I find in this setting because we've
because I tend to use these sort of exercises and it's magnets involved after the hands are in strange positions
and the inductions I prefer to use also involve people's hands and rights okay
so the first one I'm going to describe is what I call eye to hand fixation right okay
and it starts off if I kind of permissive again I'm gonna get permission you've done well at this
and your eyes are closed and I've said once you wide awake and I've said brilliant you're gonna be good at this or you've got a great imagination are
you ready to be hypnotized now and they say yes right yes so you're left-handed
or right-handed I'm right-handed you're right-handed okay can I borrow your arm yeah yeah well my boy this one okay I'm gonna take
out of this hand and I'm gonna lift it up and I'd like you to just look up here just look up the lines on your hand now
pick one spot and keep your eyes fixed on that spot you don't need to say anything keep your eyes fixed on that spot as the hand begins to move toward
your face your eyes will begin to change focus that's right as you become aware of your eyes
close your eyes and sleep now they put the deeper down sinking floating drifting down all the way in deeper and
deeper and deeper every breath you take every word I say you can continue to
relax now that heavy head like a bowling ball was getting heavier and heavier and heavier as your neck relaxes and your
shoulders relaxed you are drifting to sleep deep asleep deep asleep you're
gonna know you're in it because this hand is gonna start to be pulled up toward the ceiling pull it up toward the sky like it's
being lifted up on a cushion of air like that's white fingers twitching hand moving like it's being pulled up by an
invisible force for some unknown reason and as those fingers lift and as that hand drifts up off your leg that's right
you're going ten times deeper to sleep into a profound state of hypnosis you can be aware of sounds around you and
you can hear the sound of my voice no outside sounds important now just the sound of my voice hand lifting that's
right wrists lifting now pulled up lighter and lighter and lighter every
time I click my fingers imagining you're adding helium balloons and it's pulling your arm up toward the ceiling up toward
the sky you're doing wonderfully and a moment I'm going to clip my fingers and when I do your arm will drift back down again and you'll sit up and for some
unknown reason you will believe that your name is Jenny it will be entirely normal to you and not even be amusing
your name is Jenny camel humper the third Jenny camel humper the third
and you're from a long chain a long chain of camel humpers you're very proud
of you your name is Jenny camel hump or the third nod your head when that's
understood that's right when I click my fingers your hand will drop down and you'll sit up you won't even believe
you've been hypnotized you just be back in the room wide awake yeah that's right
hey don't ya fine you feeling okay yeah it's weird though it's a weird
feeling you saw it what's your name again I'm terrible with names Jenny you know Jenny what's your
surname I've got an unusual surgeon Jack Queen what's yours Jenny count camel
Jenny camel camel hump camel hump hump er yeah Jenny camel hump er is that 303 but
you're the third yeah let's pick never laughing are you quite proud of your
name yeah excellent okay just look at your hand for me look at your hand look
your hand look your hand look at hand look at keep your eyes on it keep your eyes on it and sleep out deeper deeper deeper deeper sinking floating drifting
down all the way down this time gonna wake you up properly Oh on the count of five you'll be wide awake and alert
feeling great you know of course that your name is Chris everything back to
normal so while every muscle nerve and fibre coming alive to feel a surge of energy pouring in for your fingers now
on your toes beginning to sit up three take a deep breath that's right a deep breath in fill your chest up with energy
giving oxygen all the way in another deep breath your head being washed through if cool spring water now yeah I
is clearing your nose clear throat clear just clear you can put your arms down that's right fire flies over my wake
excellent thank goodness for that okay okay yeah this just it's a very strange
thing I still find it really odd the whole feeling because I want to talk