to do absolutely and I think you prove that very well setting on the course and you will see in the live footage how
that really does work with the stranger-man on the course you like you say you do this intensive training all of a sudden bang you know let's
into the middle of the street and you are you do find yourself as someone on the on the course just be with this confidence to approach we were just
following this type of pattern yeah this opening piece and it is quite you know surprising how many of you are really up
yeah when you approach it in that way as opposed to rush not going to hike like hypnotized you yeah they're probably going oh that's a bit old yeah whereas
this you've been very open very you know very engaging very polite as well yeah and you know you're gonna get better
response because of that yeah fantastic
okay so we've done the opener you've approached the group you've done the introduction but you know you're into
what you call the setup yes okay well the setup is is kind of what you're going to do prior to the actual physical
exercises my process is you're going to use to hypnotize so again this may only
amount to a few sentences okay and in a way you may not even have to do it at
all if you're opener has been strong enough and your audience is receptive enough but there are a number of things
you're trying to achieve with these opening comments and answering questions okay firstly quite often people have a
fear of hypnosis yes it may be they fear that they'll never be the same again
it may be that they fear you'll make them look stupid it may be that they'll suddenly spill the beans on that yes a
weekend away you know people have a few different fears because they don't know
what to expect they'll do that there are some urban myths about it and this kind
of stuff so you know if someone says can I get stuck in a chance of course you
can't get stuck in a chance it's simply a focused state of concentration okay is
it safe those kind of things yes it's perfectly so you know again be a professional and just just come back to
them just let them know that they'll be able those preconceptions and there's any doubts that they may have if someone said you're not going to make me look
stupid as much as you may plan to do something that's kind of out of the ordinary or even a little bit ridiculous
and I'd say absolutely not I'm not interested in making you I want to give you an experience of
hypnosis that you'll enjoy yes okay so you're not really saying a great deal you're getting rid of getting rid of
those fears where you're answering their questions as well aren't you absolutely you want to eliminate those misconceptions at the same time is it
sleep you know will I be asleep if you wish then you can just say that it's not
sleep I know you know hypnotist safe sleep but the people up there are not actually asleep okay you want to begin
to fire up their imagination so letting them know this is going to be a fascinating experience this will be a
you know a really enjoyable experience and I often at this point will you know
someone's made clear that they're into sports or their or they've done some of that or they're into NLP right you know
or they're into self-improvement then I'll make it as relevant to them as I can sometimes when I'm doing stuff on
the street I'll approach people who stand there with you know signs saying peace of heart gold guys it's done it's
rose and so it's so if I wanted to get into one of those guys that say how long you got to stand it for if they said
eight hours I might say if I could make that fly by and how long yeah would that be interesting I'm a hypnotist yeah it
would be so you know I'll say whatever I can to kind of get the P kind of society tailoring it well to them and according
to their responses absolutely and you want to so far out their imagination with regard to the experience and also
take control of the situation right okay so and again this is where the line starts to blur between the set piece
exercises which we're talking about in a moment but in taking control in the situation it just means that at some
point you become the the dominant party in this hypnotic relationship but it
doesn't mean you're authoritarianism pretty had in it yes it just means that
you you're the professional you're the expert you know what you're talking about and if you want someone to stand
in a particular place or to put their feet on the floor or to look at you in a particular way then that's exactly what
you want to do and if people aren't doing that then it's it's a bit of a sign that they're probably not going to
come along in your direction any further okay you've got this you can sort of let find this out or quite an early stage as
well now you okay you were talking indeed once you've kind of got the patter down and you know
you can know you can answer any kind of objection or question then allow you know frees up your head space to
actually observe people and again taking control is things like okay can you all just sit back in your chairs can you
place your feet on the floor and why don't you get people to move yeah you know if I've been sitting there like this or not once you've done this at
your come on I'm sort of going with it now you're getting into it and and this is not to say that hypnosis is just
social compliance I really don't believe that it is I've seen enough things and
people doing things you have definitely challenged that idea okay but at this very early stage I do want people
compliant with me right okay so at the tail end of this kind of set up process of getting them intrigued and
letting them know it's gonna be fascinating and interesting I will typically go through what in sales they often call it yes set I use
this in the therapy room as much as anywhere else and I will simply say okay you know you I've said you yeah I'm the
hypnotist and you've done in teresting in being hypnotized I was so okay excellent can you place
your feet flat on the floor for me can you just place your hands nice and lightly on your lap now just look at me
but what you're essentially saying okay is can I'm saying can you you're saying yes Anthony can you yes Anthony yes can
you look here now if the next thing I do is an induction I'm essentially asking you to go into hypnosis you're just
gonna say yes again you're gonna get out okay can you can you can you excellent bump
and I'll go straight into you following that so that you can call that a yes set but again it's just a way of kind of
physically getting people where you want them because there are certain options where you want them feet flat on the floor or if they're standing up you want
their feet together so you know part of its getting physically there but part of
it is just to give them a little psychological nudge in the right direction of yes yes just saying can you can you as opposed to just saying put
your feet on the floor quick you video game can you can that is important and if you say to a child
let's take say five years old can you tell me the time then very often they
will answer either or no yeah because it's they take it literally when you say can you tell me
the time to an adult they tell you the time yes funny guy yes I can but you
know generally they just tell you what the time is so can you is permissive languages it's
called a conversational posture that if you look at it in terms of you know the semantics of what you're actually doing
but it it suggests that I'm asking you a
question and I'm asking for your permission in some way when I'm not really it's a command if I was being totally
authoritarian I would say put your feet together put your hands on your lap and don't you wrong that is a useful skill to have being
able to simply boss people straight into hypnosis yeah it's good but at this early stage I don't want to create
objections and I don't want people to feel that they're being pushed around and bullied No so can you can you can
you recently a guy who saw me performing and came up and questioned me on this
afterwards he said I kept hearing you say can you can you and and he was someone who was very concerned with the
demise of good English grammar okay okay so he was like they shouldn't say that
you should be saying would you would you put your fee in there would you and I and I appreciate there's only a fine
line of difference but would you is slightly less permissive all right and it really it really appears to give you
a choice yeah and it's cause it's like would you like to do that no wouldn't you know you know if you say would you
know which ii and uncomfortable as I am you're gonna be there for some time yeah but I always sit and watch TV if my
legs crossed like yeah you know whereas can you is just bang bang bang bang it just slides straight into telling people
what to do yes yeah great okay so that's that is that pretty much covered the whole of the setup so we've gone through
the opening kind of you know how you get into the group and that and the setup piece now so we've covered that are we
gonna go now we're gonna move into the the shitless pieces set piece exercise great yeah
okay and just one more thing from this set up you know let's say you just wanted to work
with an individual or two people in the group okay and by this point you should
really be able to make your decision okay generally if I've got a group of people
there I will aim to work with the whole group yeah unless there's a I know there's a couple of people who either
don't want to take part or will disrupt things in which case I'll make my selection and then move on to the set
piece okay excellent
okay so we've introduced ourselves to a group of people we've introduced the
idea of hypnosis we've got rid of their fears now we're ready to get started they're ready to go
the action we've said you want to see something okay so again take control first of all it's so important it's very
easy to forget that take control by asking them can you place your feet on the floor for me can you put your hands
on your lap okay and we're then going to get into what I call the set piece okay
now this is if you haven't heard that term before is because its term I've made up I kind of lied to this
particular part of the Act but there's a reason for that many of these exercises that I include under this kind of
umbrella of set-piece are well known they've been around for years some of them are overlooked as kind of
simple physiological tricks but and sometimes they're presented as tests so
as much as I want to observe my subjects and get feedback from that's one of the major things I'm doing I don't really
see this stuff as a test because 99% of people are going to pass these tests
yeah so you know it's a bit like the examinations we have for in school in this country or 90s said the kids get an
A it's the same sort of thing so it's not just a test you can achieve so much more with this and yes you're going to
get an idea about who's listening who's paying attention who can follow simple instructions more importantly you get an
opportunity to observe your subjects or potential subjects taking instructions
and you can do some of this with their eyes closed so some people I can assure you simply being in the presence of
someone who refers to themself as a hypnotist is enough to put that person into hypnosis
I appreciate for the beginner that may be hard to believe right yeah but sometimes the moment you ask someone
to close their eyes and start following instructions they're there immediately
so as the hypnotist knowing that I'm looking for some of the signs of
hypnosis this might be that they've become very still it could be their face flattens out it could be their breathing
ships it could be their ivory flecks changes in their eyes start to flicker right and so I'm looking for any kind of
physiological change that suggests they've changed their state okay okay
I'm looking for signs that they're concentrating and paying attention it doesn't matter if people giggle or laugh
as long as they're listening and doing what you're calling because it is I mean even when you look at something like the
magnetic fingers yeah you know you say it's been out or a lot but a lot of people won't have heard of it or seen it before so when they're sitting here and
this starts happening yeah they were what some people will find it no miss laughing yes it's that kind of slob you
have people like well you know something with kind of panic and pull apart even with something as simple as that and you
can do so much with this you can you know so you can you can observe it gives
your subjects an opportunity to experience something and again this is very important for magicians
because as I said you may not necessarily get into some of the heavier
hypnotic phenomena but if you've put a pack of cards down on the table you know
say you've introduced yourself as a performer I'm a magician and hypnotist and you put your cards down on the table there's part of their mind which is
expecting you to go to your go to the cards cartridge oh yeah so if you get
into these exercises and you decide you don't want to push on with the hypnosis then things already in play but they've
experienced something and they kind of think that's it so it's like having a you know a magic routine where you know
you have different options you can phases if you like yeah but you can jump out of it
it gives them an opportunity to experience something out of the ordinary it gives a subject and experience to to
feel your your influence your your power of suggestion about whatever it is you're pitching them to be so their
confidence grows in you as a hypnotist and your confidence as a hypnotist is
going to start to grow in your subjects the more you do these exercises with people the more you're gonna find that
you can simply spot the person who is bang-on for it in that moment we're ready to be emphasized and obviously
that comes with experience and it comes with seeing how people react yes and learning you know how to how to qualify
people and make the differences but you're really starting to do that at this point and sorry the thing I was
going to just bring a point there the nice thing for magicians as well is if they do go you know I'm perform addition
and he'll just put their cars down and they do a couple of the set bases they can do that with absolute confidence knowing if they want to buy an out after
the set pieces they can go into you know a card route in it if they do maybe it's a slightly mental at mentalism based
card routine I mean even for the audience they've experienced something and you've done this and maybe you do I don't know they name a card and it's a
reversed in the day I'll sign the waiver movie afterwards you know all this set pieces appears to been there for a
reason it whether you choose had go on and do hypnosis or not they think well that must have been why that happened that you know that
oh absolutely lovely position - exactly so I will I will often use these set
piece exercises as a selection procedure for a card effect yeah and yes I know I
know the card effect is going to come off but what I'm really doing is making a mental note of who is likely to be my
best candidate yeah so I then may do the card effect made a trilogy or something with a stack what do you know yeah it's kind of stuff I do and then come back to
that person for some hypnosis at that point or perhaps pick them off later in the evening so it's a way of kind of
covert the gathering information yeah by just running through this stuff and it appears to be relevant it gives a decent
premise for some of the some of the mentalism or so point that you made there is doing the seppies and coming
back to them later and so with the set piece saved on the set pieces if you went back to them later
you can you think of straight into an induction could you it doesn't have to
follow doesn't it you don't have to do a set piece right these can go straight in with an induction after you've introduced
yourself that's vital I mean what I found even though I spelt it out pretty clearly at the beginning of reality is
plastic saying that this is not a script and many many the component parts of it
are not absolutely necessary right okay it's all I'm trying to do is stack the
odds in my favor yeah okay so obviously when people are learning stuff they're
like well this must follow that and that suggests you must follow not exactly right but as a rule of thumb you know
again nine times out of ten I do myself in the way of described and I do one or
two of these little exercises before I do the formal induction yeah into hypnosis and all sorts of performance
then as well and the beauty of it is you can do this stuff on a group just as
easily as you can do it one and it gets everybody involved and they all will have a bit of an experience and they can
talk was a bit weird wasn't it yeah you know so just just just use it what
you're doing is you're firing up their imagination as well okay cuz - to do
these exercises well your subject does need to concentrate they do need to use
their imagination so again much like you want to see if they're following your instructions physically your feet on the
floor put your hands on your lap be hands out in front of you all this kind of stuff you're gonna see very quickly
whether they are concentrating whether they're using it their imagination or
whether they're so concerned about what their friends thinking over the other side of the bar they can't keep their eyes shut right or whether they're
terrified already you know yeah and again nerves and a bit of fear is fine
if you can manage it and funnel it in the direction you go the final point I want to make about these these exercises
because they are simple and and they will be overlooked by people because they're so simple is and this is the
most powerful use of them is that you can use every single one of these exercises as the induction into hypnosis
okay okay and basically I'd go up and do it and if the person is doing really really well with one of these exercises
then all you've got to say is sleep and they'll be gone and they sorry in there even with the magnet even with magnetic
fingers especially with magnetic fingers Wow okay and again you you will see that
sometimes it's like you've got this elaborate plan you're gonna do a handshake induction or dropping back
just boss you mean a senior fingers touch okay and I'll show you how to kind of turn that into a more a more of a
binary kind of test as well right I just explained the the terms that I use and
we talk about analog tests and we talk about binary tests okay so in it and it
very simply means that let's say I was going to suggest that your hand was going to start to feel light and lift up
okay and this you know pots get this
kind of movement yeah that would be a success if I was get this kind of movement it would be a success anything
in between those two points would be a success okay that's what called an analogue test I can't really fail as
long as I get something as long as something huh yes yeah if I was to say you cannot lift your hand up off your
leg then it's a pass or fail and exits why they're gonna do it or not yeah so
with magnetic fingers yeah everyone 99.9% of people are gonna have this experience mm-hmm okay if I was to then
say your fingers are stuck together you can't pull them apart then I've gone a little bit stronger
okay I've started to test my work I've started to chair I'm testing the work
and the person testing your work is absolutely key you don't have to do it at this point but if they're really good
and you want to push on and make a direct suggestion and get into a binary test then I know I'd have no qualms
about doing that from this point because you from there you can stick their hands together you can flow them around the bar you can do that ever you want so
imagined magnets and a genuine honest
unconscious response rather than someone playing along yeah a genuine unconscious response equal hypnosis as far as I'm
concerned okay that's it's not sleep I just want people to use their imagination and physically and mentally respond yeah and
you're looking for that all throughout the set pieces you absolutely you know if you go back to the definition of
hypnosis I use and it is simply a process of communicating with their
unconscious and again when I say unconscious I'm not suggest it's real or it exists this is the model
of mind that we use it I want a genuine unconscious response to
get that especially this early stage I really need the person actively choosing
to use their imagination yeah so if I say and again sometimes I'll say so if I
ask you to imagine something I want you to do your best to imagine it if I ask you to get a feeling for something I'd like you to do your best to feel it is
that okay with you yes are you ready to be hypnotized yes excellent you always are
so let's begin with the first exercise okay this is a first set piece this is
the typically the one that will follow the setup exactly okay and okay what
we're going to do is a couple of simple exercises kind of fire up your concentration in your imagination so if
I want you to concentrate on an idea that's what I want you to do if I should to imagine something do your best - okay
okay can you put your hands out in front of you can you clasp them together nice and tight so your palms are together and
your thumbs are crossed on top that's right nice tight unit bend your elbows like you're making a desperate prayer
you might want to make one way there if you like Chris put your first fingers up about an inch apart and look at the gap
between your fingers because in a moment they will come together and touch by two magnets or pulling them together that's
right they're already starting to go you'll see them switch and again I know it's a funny sensation but that magnetic force will get stronger and stronger you
can see them twitching and the closer they get the stronger that real or imagined force will become millimeters
to go now when your fingers touch what I'd like you to do is just close your eyes for me that's right magnets close your eyes
just relax just go inside and take a nice slow deep breath in a nice slow
deep breath in and then just breathe out for a longer period of time excellent
now open your eyes you can pull your hands apart now and just place them back on your lap if you would good that shows me you're concentrating now I'm going to
ask you to concentrate in exactly the same way but to use your imagination a little bit more I'm gonna watch you to
close your eyes is that okay with you yeah good I'm gonna want you to put your hands up not just yet I know you're keen
to go into a trance okay I'm going to ask you to put your hands out six inches apart I'll say close your eyes and imagine you have a powerful magnet
strapped palm of each hand pulling them together now they're going to move together automatically it's a bit of a weird
feeling with your eyes closed because you can't tell where they are but they'll move together just like your fingers did and when they touch just let
your hands drop down to your lap and just relax and we'll get into this from there okay so arms out in front of you
look at the gap between your hands if you would get a clear picture of your hand stuck out there now close your eyes
with your eyes closed imagine you have a powerful magnet strapped to the palm of each hand pulling them together they're
already starting to go they're getting closer and closer and closer together and I can assure you they will touch imagine that magnetic force is getting
stronger that's right fingers switching hands moving fingers moving you may even feel them getting closer that real or
imagined force now the closer they get the stronger that force becomes that's right just like you're a child playing
with magnets and you feel that force putting them together in a moment your thumbs or fingers will touch and when
they do just let your hands drop down to your lap and drop into a nice comfortable relaxed state you've got like an inch to go closer and closer and
closer and closer and closer stronger and stronger that magnetic force that's right you're doing brilliantly when they
touch that's right you'll find it your muscles relax as your arms drop down you
can relax just drop down take a nice slow deep breath in and just breathe out even more slowly that's right just
relaxing in your own way in a moment I'll say once you're wide awake and when I do you eyes are open and you'll be
ready for your next set of instructions you'll be ready to be hypnotized not your head if you understand good once
you're wide awake excellent you can pull your hands apart thanks okay now this is
the moment where you'd be hypnotized okay okay come to that point in a moment
great and another one I do and again it's very straightforward cuz met with
met with magnetic hands you can do it with the person's eyes open I was gonna say with your eyes shut though when you're doing it genuinely you can't
really tell where your hands are you exactly know how far you've got to go how far and no just relying one of the
reasons I do that I do this for the eyes open and it's kind of visual when it's interesting and you know they they
demonstrate that but at some point this the subject is going to have their eyes
closed and I wanted to get used to closing their eyes and opening their eyes and and being comfortable with having their
eyes closed with other people around so I do this one more the eye is open and just my my own preference is to do the
second one with the eyes closed I get permission from them and let you say with you if you do this with your eyes
open it's it's pretty powerful because you see your hands when you're moving and it sort of twitching right way and eventually they get there but with the
eyes closed you don't know where they are and you can't exactly fit so for
some people and some people really do feel it and feel the force and something put against it and if they're putting
against it and losing then they're definitely good to go but for other people you know you get to this point
suddenly they know something's happening and suddenly they touch and it's like a little little spike is you know something up there and and again that's
what I was saying earlier about giving people and experience of something this is an experience of something and if you
do it with a group with an individual it is entertaining enough okay another key point here and it's an easy
mistake to make I've said that these things are not tests so personally I don't use the word test right you can
use the word test and it will still work but I don't want to set up a challenge kind of situation
some people will naturally respond to you when you say you're a hypnotist Dornan okay I bet you can't hypnotize me
and you know this kind of stuff I'm not interested in hypnotizing people who don't want to be hypnotized for a start
and it doesn't matter if they're kind of tentative or a bit nervous or you know
I've always been interested but I'm a little bit afraid that doesn't matter but with this kind of situation you'll
notice I'm not saying and I can I'm gonna make your hands come together it's not no it's not about me it's about your
imagination your ability to concentrate your real mind power as opposed to me
and the house went down well done you did that well well done you're doing all right this is all very positive isn't it
it's constantly peppering it with little suggestions that they're doing well and you know again I kind of see this stuff
as it's a bit like plate spinning in that you try and it just coats the thing along a little bit more that's why
doing brilliantly you know even if they're not moving also that's right they were already starting to go even if
they're that far apart I say only an inch to go I'm just trying to encourage things in the direction I want them to
be get it to the place I want you to be slightly before you get there okay okay but let you say with your eyes closed
it's a bit of a strange feeling and then BOOM your hands touch now again from this point you can just go straight into
selling numbers when your hands touch your sleep and talking people in that way but generally as I presented with
you there I'll simply give you another little task to do which is take a nice slow deep breath yeah and breathe out
for a longer period of time when you do that you do find yourself you know you're smoking a little bit yeah you
give in physically and so this again it's not unnecessary thing to do
but it's just another thing that I've suggested you do and you've done which is a bit more compliance it does
physically relax you if you do it a few times it will disorient take you slightly because it's shifting your
breathing yeah so I then give you a couple of procedural instructions I'm starting to get into this now so in a
moment I'll say once you're wide awake I haven't said sleep yet I could say one to you and I come back to the room but
one to in a moment i'll say once you wide awake you eyes will open and you'll be ready for your next set of
instructions in a carrier mind if something else is gonna happen now this was fun and this was interesting